New Trademark: Bath & Body Works Scentfusion

June 1, 2013

fragrance refills for non-electric room fragrance dispensers
air freshener
dispensing units for air fresheners; diffusers for air fresheners; dispensing units for room deodorants
This is a brand page for the SCENTFUSION trademark by BATH & BODY WORKS BRAND MANAGEMENT, INC. in Reynoldsburg, OH, 43068. Write a review about a product or service associated with this SCENTFUSION trademark. Or, contact the owner BATH & BODY WORKS BRAND MANAGEMENT, INC. of the SCENTFUSION trademark by filing a request to communicate with the Legal Correspondent for licensing, use, and/or questions related to the SCENTFUSION trademark.
Status Update! On Tuesday, May 28, 2013, status on the SCENTFUSION trademark changed to NEW APPLICATION - RECORD INITIALIZED NOT ASSIGNED TO EXAMINER.
On Friday, May 24, 2013, a U.S. federal trademark registration was filed for SCENTFUSION by BATH & BODY WORKS BRAND MANAGEMENT, INC., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. The USPTO has given the SCENTFUSION trademark serial number of 85942331. The current federal status of this trademark filing is NEW APPLICATION - RECORD INITIALIZED NOT ASSIGNED TO EXAMINER. The correspondent listed for SCENTFUSION is BATH & BODY WORKS BRAND MANAGEMENT, INC. of BATH & BODY WORKS BRAND MANAGEMENT, INC., 3 LIMITED PARKWAY, ATTN: STACY DILDINE COLUMBUS, OH 43230 . The SCENTFUSION trademark is filed in the category of Cosmetics and Cleaning Products , Pharmaceutical Products , Environmental Control Instrument Products (lighting, heating, cooling, cooking) . The description provided to the USPTO for SCENTFUSION is fragrance refills for non-electric room fragrance dispensers.