Monday, May 20, 2013

Smart Soap Dispensers

I would have to look at my archives to remember when exactly I mentioned about the trademark name SMART SOAP (we are talking many, many months ago now- January 20th, 2013)  and I wrote that I believed it was going to be a dispenser like the Lysol brand, which I own and is a pain in the butt to work.....

Then a little while later I posted and wrote about the trademark page again mentioning the SMART SOAP and this time I went to the site of that name to get a peek of it.

This was a test store item....about three weeks ago and it cost $24.50 for the unit plus you had to buy the refill bottle of soaps as it was a separate purchase.  It used a thinner foaming brand hand soap in it.

I think it was available in the test store:  Easton Town Center    1-614-475-0916

It is not something I was interested in as I said, the Lysol brand product made me brand new with it getting wet and going through batteries like crazy and not working. The concept is great, just the practicality is not there for me..... I am fine pumping a pump top to disperse soap but if your interested, please try it out.