Thursday, July 4, 2013

Deal of the day Saturday $9.00 candles

July 4th, 2013

The sounds of fireworks are now drowning out the sound coming from my television so I muted it as I type.  It is hot and humid here all day and now into the night and the rains have finally stopped for a bit.  It has rained here for days and while the flowers love it...I really need to get the grass cut soon.  Either that or I will need to buy a goat.

I was hoping it would rain more this evening to help deter the neighbors from their fireworks displays of incompetence, but I think it likes raining for the day it would seem.  It's not that I don't enjoy fireworks...I do.  When done by those who aren't drinking and know what they are doing.  Aiming them at your neighbors house is not really what you would call smart.  I know tomorrow I will have the task of cleaning up all of that which fell from the sky.  Happy 4th of July.

Today I did get to go to the B&BW store out of town and found a few Cherry Blossom and Midnight Pom. EDt's left for sale and a few pocketbac holders I didn't get previously. I got the EDT's for $5.11 each which I thought was a good price considering they charge $29.50 for these.  What I wasn't thrilled with was the date stamping code on the bottom of the box which indicates that these were made in 2009 and 2010.   

I found one box of two Twisted Peppermint Wallflower bulbs sitting on the shelf in my store.  They said they found it in the back last night and it was the only one they had and no one bought it.  I did offer to go in the back to "help them out" and see what else is hiding there but they said no.....  Drats.

I know todays Deal of the Day was for 50% off of True Blue Spa, something I don't need unless it is the new soaps and shower smoothies....and tomorrows Deal is $2.50 for all hand soaps.  I posted those coupons yesterday.

I know that Saturday will have a deal of $9.00 3 wick select candles.  When I get the coupon code I will post it.   I know it should be the Destinations line, and the Lakeside Line...some online exclusives and maybe a few Italian candles and those summer scents the stores still have.  I know it will vary from store to store so check out and see both online and in store....there maybe something you find you want for that price. 

Wouldn't it be awesome to have that price when the new Pumpkins hit the market?   I such luck. There is going to be a lot of different pricing as the new candles come out...everything thing from 2/$22 sales, $8.00 maybe, to 12.00 and 11.00 each sales.  The best advice I can give is buy what you want and worry about the pricing later.  If you want it...and its testing as a maybe scent....order it and should it go on sale then talk to your store about price adjusting. 

I have not taken any of my slips back to the store for price adjustments for the SAS.  I felt I got some decent prices on what I bought so I passed on doing that.

I currently have a 3 page list, both sides....of the new stuff I plan to buy. Perhaps I will whittle it down over the weekend ....there are a few other things I want to get this month. 

Hallmark is having their Ornament Premier next weekend and I did get to see the new ornies in store today and pick out what I want.  I just couldn't purchase them yet. 

And the weekend of the 20th QVC is having Christmas in July for two days and there are a few things I may want then too.

Super Saturday on QVC is also coming up on the 27th I think and I like to support that cause as well.

July 9th Vera Bradley is launching their fall patterns both online, in their stores and on QVC with a value of the day.  I will post all of the shows scheduled for that day item numbers in the next few days.

So quite a busy month keeping the economy strong. On that note I better get some rest.

I hope that where ever you are had an enjoyable Fourth of July!