Monday, March 4, 2019

Bath & Body Works | Floral Candle Collection for Mother's Day - Coming Soon!

With thanks to @_ScentsGalore on Instagram, we have a look at some upcoming Candle Collections just in time for Mother's Day gift giving.  Here is what has been found so far. 


Floral Candle Collection:
  • Honeysuckle and Freesia - Garden Honeysuckle, Sugared Citrus Zest, Freesia Petals
  • Georgia Peach - Juicy Peaches, Dew-Covered Leaves, Hint of Vanilla
  • Strawberry Pound Cake - Fresh Strawberries, Golden Shortcake, Dollop of Whipped Cream
  • Crisp Green Apple - Tart Green Apple, Juicy Citrus, Sugar Crystals
  • Linen and Lavender - Crisp Linen, Lavender Sea Salt, Fresh Breeze

  • Bowties and Bourbon - Hint of Bourbon, Fresh Bergamot, Splash of Citrus
  • Casablanca Lily - White Casablanca Lily, Soft Sea Air, Sheer Hyacinth Blooms
  • Southern Magnolia - White Gardenia, Fresh Magnolia Blossoms, Lemon Verbena
  • Rosewater and Ivy - Soft Rose Petals, Rain-Kissed Ivy, Spring Musk

Quotable Label -
  • Best. Mom. Ever. - Pistachio Ice Cream - Roasted Pistachio, Frozen Almond Cream, Lush Vanilla Bean
  • Mom, You're Amazing. -​ Watermelon Lemonade - Watermelon Ice, Sparkling Waer, Meyer Lemon
  • Love You. - Fresh Cut Lilacs - Lilac Bouquets, Dewy Greens, Soft Spring Air