Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Bath & Body Works | New Paris Body Care Collection | Body Lotion Bottle Redesign

I have to say I was a bit surprised at the look of the Body Lotion bottle that was just shared with me.  And lately, Bath and Body Works is surprising me a lot with the choices they are making so I guess it is all par for the course.  Here are my thoughts:
Until I can physically hold it in my hand and compare it with what we are familiar with, I really have no concrete thoughts on this yet.  Sure, it is an odd shaped bottle to be offering a body lotion in. And we won't know how well the bottle can be emptied when it gets down to the last few inches of product with the pump being centered and the product being thick.  But the good news is...there is a pump.
Perhaps they wanted something special for this Paris body Care Collection and are trying this design out. I think everyone who opened a box and saw it for the first time thought the same thing.....Hmmm, now what is that?
More to come.