Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Peace of the Days Uninterrupted

The rain is pounding against the freshly cleaned windows as I sit here in my office watching it as the sky changed from a shade of bright blue to dank grey in a matter of moments. 

I had big plans for the day... well, for the week really, but with constant weather interruptions of wetness and the untimely dizziness currently happening in my head, the gardening is taking a breather for a time.  It is hard to put mulch down onto flower beds when your head is trying to be planted in those same beds.

I did manage to get out a bit in the sun this morning to get a few more pots as well as some seeds planted. The shakiness from the antibiotics passed after some tea and a banana and I cleaned up and showered just in time for lunch as the rains began.  Two more weeks of this wobbly feeling in my head and then hopefully I can go back to my normal vertigo filled days.

Who becomes allergic to Peppermint in their fifties?  My favorite of sweets has now turned on me and I can't even use peppermint toothpaste, gum, mouthwash...etc. for a time until it settles down.  Currently there is a tube, with a Minion printed label, of Cologate Fruity Bubblegum flavored toothpaste in my bathroom.  The girl at the register in the grocery store thought it was adorable and asked was it for our child.  "Yes, I told her... this fifty three year old one" and she laughed.
I saw hubby pick it up off of the sink when he went in last night and smile as he put it into the drawers.  That's me...if I need something different, it will have a minion on it.

We aren't planning on anything special for this official kickoff into summer, Memorial Day Weekend.  We put the candles on the graves and cooked all of the food for today and tomorrow so we can enjoy the peace of the days uninterrupted without being tied to a kitchen.  B-B-Q, Corn on the Cob, Hot Dogs, Steak, Potato Salad, Baked Beans and Watermelon...all ready to eat!  I have been picking at the melon off and on all afternoon.... It's so Sweet I can't resist it. Hopefully it makes it until lunchtime tomorrow.
So, let's see...what other randomness can I share before date night:
A week from today all Bath and Body Works stores will be setting up for the Semi Annual Sale and I am curious to see what those stores around me will have that will be good enough to grab not only my attention, but my dollars too.  I know there won't be any 75% off candles unless they get some in shipment.  Every store here didn't even have enough candles for the December SAS, so the odds are not good they will get many for that pricing.
The White Tea Coco Shea has my interest, so that is on my list but honestly...this first half of the year show of products was a bit lack-luster, for me.  It felt unorganized....each months floor set. 

Marketing and Products both.  As if the power shift that happened caused an unbalance with the flow of what we have come to expect...and I guess that is just it.  The Norm will no longer be the Norm. And while I have spent my share is noticeably less than it was for any year prior.
What else....
A note of thanks too, to the many who were shopping my flash sales this week.  It is appreciated beyond words can express.
And I wanted to give a big Thank You to TinaDivalicious for mentioning me on his most recent YouTube Video.  Rarely, I hear or see someone make mention to where they found the information that they shared as my own, so it did bring a smile....Thank you again.  I am still Life Inside the Page... but I keep a separate FaceBook Page and Instagram Page as @bathandbodyworksdailyfinds to make it easier for those looking for Bath and Body Works items to find the postings.

Tonight while searching for something I came across one of my old blogging site blogging sites and browsed a few things shared...way back when. Wow.

My brother has been in Florida at Disney since this Tuesday and if anyone remembers reading my posts from May of 2013 when he visited, and his girl won Fear Factor then, she won it again this week.  Disney is his obsession and I would love to visit soon as we can figure out how to get me there.  He is planning a family trip for this October and NO....I will not be doing Fear Factor....HA HA

Well I guess that is enough rambling for today, it's almost time for date night. 
I wish you and yours a wonderful, Peace filled Sunday evening...