Monday, June 8, 2015

Bath & Body Works | Semi Annual Sale | Day One Haul

June 8, 2015
I did have a list made of all of the things I had hoped I would see for this Bath and Body Works Semi Annual Sale...and I had a list of those things I really wanted.
Most of what was going to be offered I knew about for some time...and it was all of the stuff that was already in store...and  already owned by me, now going to be reduced a bit.
I was interested in what could show up as extras.
I was up and ready to go early today...hitting the CVS stores first looking for those silly minion tic tacs.  Yes, yes, I am getting some looks when I ask for CVS was the tenth store I tried.  You cant show me anything....that cute I want them and they are hiding.
And after grabbing a coffee at McDonalds I headed to the mall for the sale.  I was surprised to see a ton of people waiting outside of the gate to go in this time.  I have been a B&BW customer for a very long time and I have been writing about them since at least 2006 so this wasn't my first SAS sale...but it would seem this was a highly anticipated clearance sale with the return of some long awaited  #FlashbackFragrances .   
You would have thought it was the after Christmas sale based on the number of people carrying at least two blue mesh bags each.  I smiled as I wandered the tables hoping for some great buys....noticing that the Luminaries that were there yesterday were no where to be seen....and no one had them.
I looked for the 75% off tables and the first I came to was filled with leftover Brazil and Hawaii scents.  Pass.
Then another with returning Amber Blush, Country Chic, Pure Paradise... and I passed on those too.  The other side of that table had the Wallflower bulb "scent" candles with clear labels marked 75% off ($2.50 each) and that small pile of fragrances disappeared in a matter of moments.  The only large candles for 75% off were, as I said yesterday... Honeysuckle.
On the right side of the store the 50% off candle table was filled with old leftover Provence candles, the Home collection, a few Black Tie candles, the Hawaii candles, the tropical candles....everything that didn't sell all this year, (and some from last year).
And the new American Summer table was small and seemed somewhat drowned out with all of the others larger scale. 
As I wandered more, the lines grew longer as there was only one person in the store to tend to everyone.  But I checked out the Wallflower dual packs quickly... that were priced $6.00 ...and none of the scents appealed to me.  There was an older couple at the register who purchased $108. worth of Moonlight Path bulbs....  now that is dedication to a scent. :)
On top of the candles , I got 20 bottles of the new hand soaps ($3.00)  and thought it was a bit too crowded to be holding such a heavy bag....that I could come back again later.  While I was waiting I did stop and sniff the new trio of scents...Mahogany Teakwood, Eucalyptus Spearmint and Peach Bellini.
Someone had all of the testers in their bag mistakenly so I didn't get to try the mists...but I smelled the lotions...
I, am not going to be a fan of the Mahogany.  I took one small sniff and it was not a scent I would say is me.  Granted, I was in a crowded store...holding heavy bags....while trying to "try" these...but I am not saying winners for me.  Yet.
I did place a large order the other day and I did order when I get back to the store tomorrow, I will make it a point to test them on me....because I may need to return those when they arrive Wednesday.
I have been wanting to try them for sometime on me... not just sniffs...but things kept getting in the way of actually doing that.  Most likely, it would seem, for the better.
Now the rest of the returning 90's flashbacks smelled as yummy as ever. It's funny how a sniff of something can take you back to another time...and make you smile.
They were priced at $3.50 in store and people were clearing the table...

I have those coming as well.
When it was finally my turn at the register, I broke up the orders to save as much as I could. After surveys,
The 4oz candles came down to $1.65 each,...which was a great price.  Even if they don't burn well they could be cubed for melts.
The bottles of hand soaps rang $2.00 each, the black tie candle came up $7.44, the mini candles came up $1.32 each, the hand sanitizer mist was $1.98, the mason jar was $4.14.
And that was my #sasdayone
How was yours?