Target: Bullseyes Playground Purchases - January 7, 2019

Another day, another Target visit.
I don't go out of town very much so when I do I stop buy Target and see what Bullseyes got cooking up for me. 

Here are today's finds...

I love all things for my home and yes, kitchen towels are one of the things I always look for.  Cute decor towels like these and great quality hard use regular kitchen towels.  For $3, a set of two printed kitchen towels is a fun purchase and helps complete a decor look easily.

I did find the four sets of towels I was looking for.  There were no boxes out being worked from so these must have just been put out as they were stacked in a spot of the shelf, not hung up.

The green ceramic sugar and creamer set was the only one out so home with me you will go.

Of course the only little birdie tossed into the kids section was pink, which is fine but it has an ink mark on it and a chipped tail.  Home it came regardless.

And the white ceramic pitcher for $5 was the only pitcher available and that was fine.  I wanted two of the colors; the white and the green.

I thought both will be great with flowers in them, tucked in a corner.  Sunflowers will be perfect in either color, don't you think?