As the pages of the calendar change to the start of a new year, so do the increases in shipping fees over many selling platforms we all use and love.
This week I received the email letting me know that we are in for a rate change beginning February 1st on Mercari. After the last few yearly rate changes that pushed USPS into an incredible and not doable cost for buyers, I began using UPS to try and save a few dollars.
That too, now, will be going up more. Lighter weight items under one pound seemed to stay reasonable, but for heavy weighing Rae Dunn Mugs and candles, the cost is becoming prohibitive.
I still have way too many brand new, never used Rae Dunn Ceramic Mugs, bowls, and other items from her brand that I purchased to possibly use because of their different appeal, only to have hubby tell me he prefers our Naturewood items more to use.
The insane amount of Bath and Body Works items that need to be thinned out are at the top of my list to start selling off before the rate increase. Wallflower units...each month a new and much cuter one comes out and at one time I grabbed them all because I knew we would not see them again. And they sit, wrapped for storage until I am ready to use them. Time for all of those to go. I had already cleared out a good amount of the refill bulbs but still have a few of those to go now too.
Candles. I have purchased so many B&BW candles that need to be burned or sold before getting more. And there are so many Homeworx candle extras that need to go. I bought a candle to try...loved it and got more. So many great candle companies with so many competing scents...we all end up with huge collections to look at on shelves.
I am going to clear out many of the filled decor pieces I have, like the off white pumpkins...etc.
Craft supplies...needlework supplies and kits...with my changing vision it makes me sad to know that I may not get to do those intricate things I once did. Most will be donated but some will be sold.
The items that I have posted before the rate increases will ship for the costs shown...for a time before they automatically adjust them.
But if I need to combine things that were previously at a lower adjusting it could cause the new rate to come up.
I DO COMBINE items to ship together to save shipping costs. I DON'T make bundle prices lower than what I show as my price to sell.
The fees on shipping on these sites are huge - not counting the supplies needed to make the sale. No one is getting rich or sometimes even breaking even with selling anymore. I am glad to get the items out of my storage...and have something to show for it.
Check out my MERCARI site here.
You can contact me there with questions.
Or you can also contact me at with any other questions. Feel free to ask me if you are looking for something that I may have and didn't post yet.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog posting, and possibly my Mercari is appreciated.