Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Bath & Body Works | Today's Store Visit - New Holiday, Salted Caramel Pretzel Candles, Holiday Wallflowers, And Room Sprays

My Bath and Body Works store visit today, plus some updates on what I saw in store, purchased, and found to share as coming up soon.



I shared more Champagne Toast body care items in the new holiday packaging today.

There were some holiday Wallflower units added online...my store did not have any out for sale yet.


I did see come new holiday room sprays out in my store...(if only I didn't still have a million from years past to use up first).


My store still had three Salted Caramel Pretzel Candles left on the front table for sale.  I passed.  Again, a million candles collected from years past to use up/sell off before I buy more collections.



I have not visited the store for the wallflower sale, or the Limited Edition Candles sale so this was my first time seeing these colorful units that were offered, and the turkey.



Here are a few Holiday Hand Creams still to come (soon!).



The Husky Pocketbac holder did come home with me, as did the last Autumn Dog Wallflower unit as a gift for my sister who has two furballs and actually found it on a Golden FB Group Page. 

And there is a Single Wick Candle Sale happening...but I did pass as there were no candles that I had to have.