Monday, November 7, 2022

Bath & Body Works | Sales, Exchanges, And Returns

I have been busy trying to get so much done in a day....much like you I am sure...that it feels like there is never enough time.   And this time of year calls for so much more needing to be done that I find I am making better decisions on what gets priority, and what does not help me reach my goals.  Man plans, God Laughs.

Currently, I have five trees up and decorated in my home...all done before Halloween I might add.  Much of my home is decked out but there are still a few spots that I have been trying to get finished --- and then the phone rings and it's something or someone else who needs help.  Hopefully by tomorrow every box of holiday cheer will be placed in the appropriate spot and I can begin to fully enjoy the season of Joy.

Late at night before I sleep I catch up on reading social media to see what is new --- and I have to say for one particular subject on the Bath and Body Works platform is still troublesome.   EXCHANGES/RETURNS.

My thoughts on this mess is this...from what I am reading is happening in some stores -----

"if Bath and Body Works thought for a moment that they would launch an all out revival of their exchange and return policy that EVERY store would be on the same page to execute and it would streamline those two troublesome areas making it easier  ----  they were oh, so wrong."

Y'all laughed right?  At their having every store doing what they typed out as their policy?  I did.  Never...going to happen.  Too many variables.   I am not even talking about the new seasonal hires being a huge variable.  Do you know what is the biggest problem (in my humble opinion) ?  HUGE SALES GOALS needing to be met.

Um, hello....inflation.  Gas for Cars, Heating Fuel, Food to name a few. Some of us may need to cut back a bit.   My store is not crowded.  They need to have a straight out awesome sale in get people in there buying things during the week that they really don't need but are afraid to miss out on.  

And when you don't have sales goals met, and here comes someone with a huge return...that causes stores to make choices to keep those sales goal dollars counting. 

I don't work in the stores, but I have eyes, and ears.  

My shopping plan is I am being extremely careful where I am spending my money.  And when I spend it, I am not looking to deal with nonsense at a register for the simplest of things to exchange or return.

I bought those Fine Fragrance Mists in the Iced Plum and Merry Cookie on the FFM Sale Day...(I shared the photo).  I checked my text messages and saw my niece and family like Winter Candy Apple. Oppsie.  The next morning when I had time to go, I took the two mists untouched, back...grabbed the WCA...went to the register and the new holiday hire exchanged them asking her manager for assurance that she was doing it right, which she was, and price matched the pricing I paid.  Easy Peasy.  If it was not going to be easy peasy, that money could go right back into my bank.

Will I buy random candles that I can't smell in store to exchange after I smell them?  Even on Candle Day?   No freakin' way.  With all the BS I am reading that is happening in stores with store bought items and online items...especially candles No Way.   I don't know how you can deal with some of that...I chose not to.

We shoppers have to realize that we have a choice.  We can chose where we spend our money and where we can get great deals and great service when we do so.  

Those words ..."We Just Want You To Love It  100% Guaranteed"   need to be part of the entire experience from the product to the service afterwards.   Even with the word Happiness removed.