Friday, October 7, 2016

Bath & Body Works | Saturday Sales Information and More

October 7, 2016
I was told a few pieces of information that I wanted to share...before I forget them.... :)

Tomorrow, Hand Soaps are going to be sale priced at $3.00

The Fresh Sparkling Snow odd shaped bottle body lotion (picture shared earlier) priced at $14.00 for 10oz will have a matching shower gel.  I am not sure what the sale pricing will be on this duo or why we even needed another bottle shape for this scent, but it would seem for holiday gift giving we will have another option.
There will be a large turkey luminary coming to stores...hopefully in time for this Monday's floor set.
And from all that I know, this Monday's floor set will NOT have any Holiday Traditions Signature Fragrances out.  Perhaps the reason why we had a First Look email this week for that one day grab the trio of Vanilla Bean Noel, Winter Candy Apple and Twisted Peppermint while you can. We will get to buy the Gingerbread Latte scent as well as the Frosted Coconut Snowball when the full collection launches.
I was told that Holiday Tradition Signature Fragrances should be set in November.  I thought with the overlapping of dates on all of the coupons that are currently out that something new would pop out for the October 17th date but so far....Nothing.  Keep in mind things change moment by moment....and as I hear I will post.
So far, these are the coupons that are out:
Mailer Coupon:
Valid: October 3 - 30, 2016
Free Fun Size Signature Item $5.00 value 3oz. (online code F164426)
Save 20% on your Entire Purchase ( online code F164494)
$5.00 Signature Body Cream ( online code F164561)
Holiday Coupon Booklet being handed out now with purchase
Free Item of your Choice - up to $13.00 value
Valid: September 26 - November 13, 2016 (online code FA162856)
$10 off of any purchase of $30 or more
Valid: November 14 - December 4, 2016 (online code FA162857)
Save 20% on your entire order
Valid: December 5 - 24, 2016 (online code FA162858)
Current Bounceback Coupon given last floorset
Valid: October 3 - 30, 2016  (online code FA162852)
Free Body Care Item of your Choice up to $14.00 value
Upcoming Bounceback Coupon coming Monday October 10th
Valid: October 17 - December 24, 2016 (online code FA162853)
$10 off any purchase of $30 or more