Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Bath & Body Works | On being " Just a Blogger "

"I work for the company.  That's a blogger that wrote that, not a factual source." said a Bath and Body Works worker regarding my posting of information that the Semi-Annual Sale for summer will not happen next summer.

Comments like these make me roll my eyes.  And shake my head.
For more than seven years now it's been the same thing... Blah...Blah...Blah.  If it wasn't another blogger coming at me...then it's their friends... and/or store workers.

I am still here.

Listen, You may work for the company...but just because you DIDN'T get told that the semi-annual sale may not be happening next summer and it was going to be replaced by another kind of sale.....does not mean I wasn't told that information. Or that it was not true.

Your attempt to try to discredit me in some way by saying that  That's a blogger ( as if that means - I don't know...makes me lower than dirt or something ) and my information is NOT factual.....makes you look bad. A more professional "worker" would say that they had not yet heard that information but they are looking forward to seeing what is coming next year.  Or maybe, not comment at all.  Hmm.

Yes, Bath and Body Works Facebook page, their online shopping page....their Instagram and Twitter and Pinterest Pages all DID NOT POST that little tidbit.  But wait?  Do they ever?  Do they ever share ANYTHING?

NOOOO.  Nothing.  They have their workers telling more lies than Pinocchio to customers who inquire about the simplest of things...we get it...we know...everything is supposed to be a big surprise. We still shop there.

And yet, that does not mean what I was told was not the truth from a credible source.
I have come to find there are some things told to me to "present" as sort of a preparation.  The messenger perhaps.  Maybe to take the pulse of what is said...to gauge the reaction.

You know, us "bloggers".....we don't really count.  (eyeroll).

Whether or not you, as a worker, ( I am not sure what kind of worker you are ) will be told this information now....soon, or not at all -- should not make you so judgemental against someone who did tell you.  You should hear the other things I know that I didn't share yet.  :)
If next year comes and we do...or don't have the SAS, I really don't care at this point after all that has been said about it.

 I shared something I felt was important to share when I heard about it.  Nothing more.