Sunday, February 17, 2019

Bath & Body Works | New Men's Fragrances | February 2019 - Amber, Dockside, Italian Lemon, Mineral, Thunder

Something new has been found for the Bath and Body Works Men's Collection. Five New Fragrances!
Amber, Dockside, Mineral, Italian Lemon, and Thunder. 

I am not sure if we will see these in all stores now, or if they will arrive in time for the March 3rd floorset, but I am looking forward to smelling each of the new to see if they are new, new or returns of old favorites.

Edit:  I heard rumors that these were "testing" and smell similar to the C.O.Bigelow Scents.

Bath and Body Works Men's Collection:
Amber - Orange Bitters, Sandalwood, Amber Musk
Dockside - Palm Leaves, Ocean Driftwood, Saltwater
Italian Lemon - Lemon, Coriander, Vetiver
Mineral - Wet Stone, Blue Citrus, Sea Moss
Thunder - Lava Rock, Black Pepper, Fresh Rain

photo credit: @_scentsgalore