Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Bath & Body Works | Revitalizing Clay Mask with Seaweed and Bentonite Clay | Detoxifying Clay Mask with Charcoal and Bentonite Clay

​When I grabbed the Watermelon and Mango Sleeping Masks last week I saw that there were three new Clay Masks on the floor set sheet coming to stores but they weren't out yet.  


I finally found two of them in store so I grabbed these to try.  The missing mask is the Calming Clay Mask with french red clay and bentonite clay and when it arrives I am going to try that one too.

While I usually apply masks with my fingers, I thought I would try the $14.50 mask tool set offered to see if it was any better of an application.  I LOVE them.  

The silicone fan applicator brush was wonderful to lay down a thin coating of the clay mask and the round bristle brush removed the mask completely from my pores.

Here are my thoughts on each of these masks...

Let me begin with a bit about me, and my skin.  I am fifty five years old so this ole girl has put her skin through it all.  I am fair skinned which means I burn very easily in the sun...

( and when I was younger and more stubborn and wanted to "tan" like all of my friends...all I did was set my skin up for sunspots on it...after the burn peeled )

and now that I am smarter and know to use sunscreen diligently I am still left with light brown sunspots and the occasional sun related damage spots.

I have been going through menopause for what seems like one hundred years...give er take a few years...okay, since I was forty....yes!  I know that is a lonnnng time with no end it sight it seems some days.... but the hot flashes fun from menopause plays hell on my face/pores.

I have large pores...lucky me... the Good Lord blessed me with a big mouth and big pores so I am always on the lookout for products to help keep them clean.

While makeup hides a multitude of is sometimes hard to completely clear out of your pores depending on the brand used.

Occasionally, I will get a blemish... How could I not I use, hot flashes;..oil...sweat 
( my husband says I get dewy, bless his heart ) makes no difference so while I would say my skin tends to be more dry and in need of moisture of course especially in the winter time with the heat on and lack of humidity in the house, I need a product that will moisturize but not cause greasiness. And I need cleaners that will clean and not cause too much dryness.

So I try many different products and these past few days I have tried both of these clay masks.
The first one I used was the green colored Revitalizing Clay Mask with Seaweed and Bentonite Clay.
I found the scent of the product fresh and not too strong at all.  Scented or Unscented, it doesn't matter to me.  I am migraine sensitive to smells and this did not bother me at all...I found it rather nice.

I mentioned I purchased the two piece tools set from the same display the clay masks were on and I am glad I finally gave in and got them.  It was a pleasure to add the mask this way and easy to remove it with the brush.

The mask dried on my skin quickly after application and in fifteen minutes I removed it easily with a warm water rinse.

My skin felt clean and fresh, and it looked clean.  It was soft to the touch and I didn't feel I needed a moisturizer on it so I didn't add one.

Today I used the grey colored Detoxifying Clay Mask with Charcoal and Bentonite Clay.  This clay mask had a sort of masculine an aromatherapy scent...not sage...or is it?  While I was applying it I thought to myself wow this smells great I would love my husband to find this scent as a cologne.

But please don't not try it because I said masculine...Open the tube in the store and smell it for yourself. It is GOOD.
Again the scent of the mask is not strong so it was an enjoyable experience.

This mask took a few rinses to clear it off.  My face felt clean and soft to the touch but a bit tighter in feeling so I did apply some moisturizer.

I will be keeping these clay masks as a once a week cleanse...depending on the circumstances....such as weather, you know summer is coming, and for heavier makeup use.

And as soon as my store gets the Calming Red Clay Mask, I will get it to try as well.

I recommend trying either of these masks or both.  I purchased two of the charcoal and one of the seaweed masks and the tools and used the $10 off of a $30 purchase email coupon and my total was $25.50 before tax.  The coupon made each mask $5.03 and the tool set was $10.42.

I Googled Bentonite Clay---here is the results.
What is bentonite clay good for?

Bentonite clay has been studied and found to absorb these toxins and others. In fact, some people even eat small amounts of calcium bentonite clay as a way to cleanse the body of these harmful elements. Calcium bentonite clay is also a popular ingredient in skincare products

Is bentonite toxic?

Bentonite is a ground naturally occurring clay. It is inorganic, non-toxic, non-irritating. It is not considered hazardous on skin contact (it is employed in cosmetics and skin products as a suspender). Eye contact hazards are similar to those of any other clay, flush to remove the particles.