Saturday, June 29, 2019

Bath & Body Works | Reward App Update and Release Date

Bath and Body Works stores just released a bit of information regarding their Rewards App Nationwide Release Date and Terms to the App users and fans are not very happy with some of the changes.

Stores have begun receiving the marketing for the release of the rewards app and it was noted on it as launching on July 29th. 

{That has since changed and it will not be releasing July 29th and is now being pushed back around the holidays sometime. They noted that they will continue testing and educating in stores to make it a perfect experience.}

Currently, the amounts of purchase for rewards varies from $100, $75, and $50 depending on the areas testing.  You earn a point for every dollar spent. The APP Reward Update below shows that they are now making it $75  ( 75 points ) to earn a reward with a limit of 3,750 points per year.

I am anxiously awaiting this launching nationwide to use this APP in my area to keep track of my purchases while earning free rewards.  I love my grocery store APP to earn savings for my gas purchases and I will love this APP even more!