Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Bath & Body Works | Mother's Day 2020 VIP Tote Bag Info

So this is just a small tidbit of something I heard regarding the upcoming Mother's Day VIP Tote Bag.

The good news is that there will be a tote bag.  It will be made of... recyclable material, I think like the last one we had and should be a navy blue color with pink flowers on the lower half of the bag.

Since going through some of my VIP Tote Bags Collection with more to go through and share with you, I have a greater appreciation of some of the tote bags we have had from previous years.  My favorites being the canvas bags.  I mean who can't use a canvas tote bag in the spring and summer months. Hint, Hint...Gingham Printing on a Canvas Tote, please.

Anyway, I am not sure what the tote looks like, this navy recycled material bag but...this brand is more than a recycled bag for Mom.  Offer us tons of those recycled bags to buy in-store to put our stuff in...Let's always make Mom feel special with an awesome bag.

I don't know what body care fragrances are going into the bag, but I do know there will be two candles included in the bag.

When I know more I will add a new post.