Friday, February 5, 2021

Bath & Body Works | Our Love -- Is Complicated

This post was inspired by my delving deep into my Bath and Body Works collection of things and deciding what will stay...what will go...and where they will go.  Either sold off or trashed - and since most things still have tags on them, I will also donate some where possible.












Every visit at the mall brings back that same tingle I felt as I did on the very first day I crossed over that gingham threshold, grabbed the handle of a woven basket, and watched them slice colorful glycerin soap into blocks that were wrapped in waxed paper.  

I have been in a love affair with this brand since the 90's. 

We have had our courting phase, where I would go into the stores and wander around taking it all in...sights, and smells, only to leave empty handed, but wanting something, anything. Oh how you tease me.

We have had our lusting phase where I wanted to get every single thing just to try it all!!!  Only to leave with one or two items at first.  Just a taste of the scented life you offer.  And I tried them out...not too much at first, because I wasn't sure when I would be going back and getting more. And I needed more. 

Then we had our get all you want, because I will shower you with more phase.  Every month, there will be something different for you.  All you need to do is visit, and I will show you new fragrances beyond your wildest scent dreams.  And I was there.

Then comes the realization that I am not the only one phase.  Others, yes others, have seen what you have to offer and they too are drawn to your candles flame. Don't lie, I am not the only one... I know because the truth is out there!  We talk.  We all talk.

So then comes the I need to have you in my life phase we are in.  Me and my love of fragrance you have built.  Telling myself it's great for gifts...and for my home...and for me. And you feed that need.  Oh you feed it well-- with your candles, and soap, and lotions.  I love it so much. 

I can keep track of it all and it will be fun I tell myself.  All while one cabinet becomes two, and a good part of the day is spent talking all things Bath and Body.

Then one day, like every true relationship, the blinders are removed and the layers of this one-sided love affair are seen.  Digging out from beneath a pile of plastic bottles, ceramic nicnacks, and tons of wax -- I am here and I see what this love has come to.  

We need to talk. ...  And it's not you, It is Me...

Currently we are in the I will always love you, but I love Me more phase.   And all of this excess scent baggage needs to be thinned down.  So with thinning, comes the reality on how much was purchased, and some thoughts on the actual things themself.  It is those thoughts that will be shared more here as I sell off the major part of my collection.

I know I don't need to buy every scent in every collection monthly to share and compare scent notes and thoughts of the same things over and over again here on my blog and social media.  It was that ever changing monthly view of products that grew my collection while making someone else richer.  Been there, done that...

Will I buy Bath and Body Works?  I am sure I will.  Our love is...complicated.

But over this past year, my purchases have been drastically reduced much to my surprise...especially during the fall, and holiday shopping times.  

Partly because of the short shutdown period the stores went through and the extremely long time it took to get packages from them via mail.  Buying on the secondary market was also much easier to get some new.

And partly because I am uncomfortable being in a crowded store when our county has high positive numbers daily and customers refuse to leave their mask in place wanting to satiate their love of this brand by sniffing everything.  Grocery shopping is another bucket of fun, but at least no one is lifting their mask to sniff the meats.

As our new normal evolves daily, I will continue to do what I love and share what I love...this brand included, while keeping an appropriate amount of social distance, and silliness in all I share.  Hey, it's not just Bath and Body Works that makes this girl tingle, ya know.