Saturday, February 6, 2021

Bath & Body Works | Things I Wish I Never Bought - Snowman Snow Globe

This post is for the Bath and Body Works...

Things I wish I never bought.

I don't have to tell you, y'all know yourselves. You may have that closet shelf, Rubbermaid tote, or cardboard box tucked away with the "things" you HAD TO HAVE for whatever the reason was at the time...and now, when you clean and organize and see it all,  you stare at that stuff with disdain.   Oh, wait, that may just be me.  I will post all of these things I find as I am thinning out on Mercari along with my thoughts.

Today's item:
















Bath and Body Works - Slatkin and Co. Snowman Water Globe with a motor to move around the "snow" and a place in the globe top to burn a tealight size candle.

It's the lure of the holiday theme everything when you walk into the store and it is all before you and you are well over summer, and pumpkins and all of this fun - awesomeness - and you are already triggered into GIFT GIVING MODE.

And me, in all of my wisdom didn't just buy ONE of these beauties...I bought two plus others for gifts.  

One was boxed up and the others came only in the Styrofoam because the new holiday worker thought to toss out the outer box.  It happens.  And I loved this little guy.  He had tons of matching snowman items that, of course, I grabbed to go along with him.

It was Slatkin and Co. signed and dated items - how can you go wrong?

And it's not really wrong...sometimes it is just the nature of the items.  Especially snow globes.Anything that needs a battery will conk out long before you are ready for it to...and anything with moving parts will move only for a brief period of time.  Never a decent amount of time.  Metal and water themed items...ugh...rust everything.

I  don't mind if you get a few, fun-filled years from something. But not even a few months as with this item?  So not worth this $30 each price tag.

The one globe started showing a rusty color in the water and there were little pieces of something...maybe from the painted plastic item inside of it....floating when you shook the globe or when it decided to run.  I didn't use the other new one for fear it would happen to it as well.  The motor died without being used.  They both make a nice moaning noise.

The thing I noted after buying globe items over the years - the globes can get cloudy if sunlight gets on them. ( I never used mine near sunlight or a window so I didn't have that issue)  We saw that with recent Halloween pieces.The motors surely burn out very fast.  The water line lowers from evaporation.  Especially in pocketbac holders that are globe-like.  So I will be passing on those water/motor/globe kinds of products.

And with this piece, I never figured out why there needed to be a candle at the top of that very fragile glass.  I guess for the look.

But I bought them...and gifted them.  And I did hear from my friends who got them that theirs stopped  working and rusted out too.

 Now I have these paperweights.  You can shake it and the snow moves around and frosty is still really happy inside.  One with a slight rusty look and one without. And not sure what to do with them.  They will go from the storage tote to thinning.

So, did you buy these and have any problems?