Thursday, August 5, 2021

Bath & Body Works | Fall 2 Floor Set Information

​As we enjoy all of the New Bath and Body Works goodies shared in the Fall 1 floor set release date that began on July 26th with Halloween being added first, and finished this August 2nd with the launch of at least five new body care fragrances, many have been asking me when is the next floor set?  


I did share the date in a posting that seems to have been buried with other information so I will make this posting for ease in finding it. I will also add a short cut on the side of the page since we will now start to get an overabundance of information for Fall and then Holiday!!


We are going to see a few of our favorite sales; the Try It To Believe It Sales with some good prices.  I know now there will be a Three Wick Candle Sale coming up next week, with pricing that could be $11.95 or $12.95.  There is marketing for both price points and the decision will be made more than likely the night before they launch... and a Hand Soap Sale is coming.  I am hoping the hand soap sale pricing is decent since they were "testing" out some sales prices the past few days in select stores.  $3.25 and $3.95.  I love their soaps and I own shelves full that I enjoy every day...but the sales pricing on them needs to be reasonable.  The scramble for soaps and sanitizers and other "essential items" has settled down a bit since the supplies have become more readily available everywhere over what they were last year.  Yes, yes I know how expensive things have become since last year...but dropping the price a few pennies here and there would be great.

Fall 2 will bring more Body Care Collections, Hand Soap Collections, and the Candles we all have been anxious to buy.  While it seems so far off, keep in mind everything is subject to change depending on our spending habits, and availability so we could see it launch sooner.  Until then, enjoy the new additions your store has set and try each new fragrance item for yourself in store.  There could be a hidden gem in something you may have passed over while looking for something else.  

One of the reasons I snap quick pics in store is because once I cross the threshold my eyes glaze over and I forget to look at everything and then I wonder if the store got it in...and realize that they did!  

Oh well, then it is time to go back!