Life Writings | US Postal Service Temporary Rate Adjustments Beginning October 3rd - December 26th - Just In Time For Holiday Shipping

Every small business, and those who are simply selling something online to get rid of it took a huge, deep breath when this report came out back in August and the time when it will this Sunday.

My first thought of pricing increases, again, was mailing Christmas gifts to family...since we are not having holidays together yet.  Then my second thought Etsy, and Mercari sales and how this will affect them.

Shipping is a make or break part for anyone selling anything...but for the heavier items...goodness, it ruins sales.  

I am currently de-stashing my extra Bath and Body Works products, along with bunches of Rae Dunn Mugs, Bowls, and other decor I bought for myself and have never used.  

You can imagine how hard it already is to sell a mug to recoup just the cost of have Mercari take their chunk out of the sale in fees...including additional fees on shipping charges which I don't get...add in shipping expenses for boxes and bubble wrap, etc., and then have the person mad at you that you are charging more than $1 for the mug because to ship it UPS, which is the cheaper way when Fed Ex is not available, the cost is $11.50. US Mail is $17!!!

$11.50 for shipping on a $5-$6 mug.  Bo-nan-anas.

Etsy shipping?  The same.  My hand made Gnomes are lightweight, but a box to ship them adds to the weight...making some angry that the shipping of this fairy garden creation isn't next to free.  Think about it-- just a simple envelope mailed now costs .58 cents.  There goes my ever growing Christmas Card mailing.

Things are not moving either faster...just more expensively.  

With my selling sites, I try to find the cheapest rates to move the products with less impact on the customer buying them.  I am hoping these increases don't ruin the momentum I was making.

I plan to post a list here of the things as I get them listed offering shipping from either site to save customers money.