Bath & Body Works | Random Thoughts: Netflix, Bridgerton, Wednesday, Stranger Things And More...

A little Randomness while taking a break in my day.


While scrolling through my phone, I noticed that the new season of Netflix *Stranger Things* thought to be released this year is now getting pushed we probably won't see that until 2025.  I never watched Netflix series shows before, but with the collaboration with Bath and Body Works on the *Bridgerton* Collection, and my wanting to figure out more collaborations...(and not mention them aloud when I found out)...I watched *Stranger Things* and got hooked.  Season Five will be challenging, if they pull it off...I mean all of the kids are adults now.  Even using the premise of fast-forwarding into the future...and using Ai technology to make them all look younger, it's going to be interesting to see how it works out.  Heck if I could use Ai to make me younger, you would find me at the B with a Green Screen in front of me at all times looking for the Art Stuff.  Ha ha.

I thought that the Netflix show *Wednesday*  could end up being a collaboration for Halloween at the B too, and so far I am not seeing that happen.  With the second season of that still in progress - it, too, is on delay. Dang, I liked that too.

Netflix Bridgerton has new shows coming, finally, and I would make some time to watch them had I started following the series before the collab.  If I find some time, I will see if that show interests me.  I have been hearing different thoughts on it...many like the show, and a few lost interest.  Spring and Summer are usually very busy for me so my television watching differs than that of Winter time when all there is to do is work...and shovel the white stuff.

Speaking of Bridgerton, my store is still pretty stocked up in everything, except accessories.  And I was surprised to see it not shown to clearance for the Semi-Annual Sale.  I did see that on 5/28 there is a sale planned for all forms of the collection, most likely a % off, so maybe it will sell down more.

I wonder what those in charge thought they would do different for the release of this first collaboration.

If it were me, I would have made sure there were plenty of Body Care Fragrances to chose from.  Those of us shoppers do love us some gourmand scents and think there could have been at least one for the Danbury Shortbread scent.  Yes?  I would make more accessories, with plenty to go around to deter the 3rd party resellers.

And I would have parked that long table front and center of every stores doorway.  My stores display is way back in the store, directly in front of the cash wrap.  Short of having the workers dressed in period piece clothing, I would showcase this collaboration to everyone coming in while humming that enchanting theme music on repeat...haha.  Wasn't that Reimagine table out front then?   I can't remember without looking it up.   It was so uninspiring for me, I didn't pay attention to it.

Well that is a short, randomness talk of all things rattling around my head currently.  Break is over...and more to come. 

all photos credit to Netflix