Monday, May 6, 2024

Please Note: 5/6/24

Sharing Info:  Reddit Inquiry

While you may not see new posts landing on the blog front page daily, New Info and Photos are being added where you may not notice the updates. I've read that many come to the front page, don't see a photo and think I am not updating anything.

Most times I am adding new information to the Archive Posts:  Summer, Halloween, Fall, Holiday, Semi Annual SaleCandle Day etc.  The Fall Archive is updated as I hear new and is no way complete, of course,  and I will publish it soon.

I'm also adding info to the Sales Posts Page.  The Summer Fragrance Cards were added early Friday when I shared the lists of new scents, as well as Sale info.

This Blog of Information is Public, my Facebook Page is Public, and currently my Instagram is set Private until I catch up answering questions but those who chose to follow me can still see everything.

PLEASE NOTE----  SEMI ANNUAL SALE is scheduled to START on June 1st.

The dates on the SAS picture I shared in March show how the store will be set...over a few phases later in May because it cannot be set all in one you may go into the store and see new on the wall over the last week in May...but the big OPENING for June's Sale --- THE SEMI-ANNUAL SALE is June 1st.