Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bath & Body Works | Beginning July 29th Coupon Discount Coupons Apply To Value Up To $250.

Earlier today, the news of a Bath and Body Works coupon policy change came out and ever since...customers of this brand have been voicing their reactions on social media.   And their reactions are not happy ones.

The change will begin July 29th 2024 with the release of the Fall 1 floor set: 

Any coupon discount will apply to a purchase value up to $250 only.  (photo confirmation below). 

Anything after that amount will not be discounted.  How will this affect those hard core shoppers who spend thousands on candles on the big sale days...or those who buy the pricey luminaries and other accessories?  My advice is to check with your store if they will allow multiple coupon usage well before those big purchases happen.  They may be enforcing the new coupon policy.