Thursday, March 3, 2016

Bath & Body Works | Aloha, Hawaii: Collection of Fragrances | In the Wall today, March 3, 2016

March 3, 2016
Being an avid follower of this brand I am finding it quite curious as to what is going on lately in the stores.  The first thing I am noticing is how empty they are as in customers buying products. 
Where is everyone?
I see table after table of collection after collection still full of products.  If this is any indication of how sales are...I am guessing Semi Annual Sale is going to be filled with Fiesta, Italy.....
As I have said before, I tend to be drawn to the fall-ish and holiday collections more...granted, I do my fair share of damage in the beginning of the year too.  Just maybe not so much fragrance wise but accessories and home goods.  A girl can take only so much coconut. Don't get me wrong, if coconuts are your thing...that is great, have at it.  I make sure I share information on everything new coming as well as my observations on what I see happening.
Do you want to see sell outs and crowds?  Bring back the dang Sweet Shoppe Collection.  Or even a version of it.  People are clamoring for it.  I remember when it came out.  Initially in my stores here the table was sort of tucked behind the front table instead of it being the focal point.  My store didn't get in all of the merchandise other stores did and in a short amount of was done...gone.  Next...  The popular scents ended up being the "failed tests" and now they are the most sought after and highest priced on the secondary market.
The next thing I am noticing is how many scent are dropping in a month...and off of floor set schedules.
Every month  we see a new "collection" of scents launch and they are the focus of the set for that time.  But along with those fragrances we are now seeing the "extras" coming out sort of stealing some thunder from the sales of the stars.
January had Limonello Signature sneak out along with the Fiesta Fragrances and February had Pretty as a Peach Signature come out with the Ciao, Italy collection.  Coming soon with the Aloha, Hawaii Collection we should see the Hello, Beautiful fragrance and I wonder why take the spotlight from the new?
I thought Fiesta should have stood on its own and the Limoncello would have been a great addition to the Ciao, Italy line.  Pretty as a Peach should be out....{in April when I would expect others along that  market thinking should come. Hint Hint....watermelon lemonade please. *drops mic}
So with extra fragrances launching so are bumped up releases and previews.  Today, I was asked by a SA how I loved the new fragrances.  I thought she meant the Italy scents so I responded what I thought about each.  She walked away and I thought it odd she asked me that...again...until I looked at the wall and Lo and Behold, there were the rest of the Aloha, Hawaii Fragrance Collection, now available for sale. Today, eleven days early.
What happened to the Preview Hawaii Bucket?
Maybe it's me and the word Preview has a different meaning than I thought. I would expect the bucket should have come out now...maybe tomorrow...about ten days before the actual floor set of NEW Hawaii things. That way allowing people to try the scents and items in the bucket to then come back for more. But when I ask I am told many different things...
When we are told
It's not called for
There isn't a bucket
The stores did have the Hawaii soaps in the wall...and the scent portables were out.  A few of the pocketbac holders were but not all of the refills yet.  I debated on getting the pineapple hand soap decanter but with my long list of wants and being told I can't have any of that now...come back on the 14th....I put it back on the shelf.
That happened with the other two collections as well  and saved me money in the long run so I am not complaining.