Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Woman's Day | 34 Painted Pumpkin Projects for the Best Ever Halloween | My Minion Pumpkin Project

It was just after one am and, as per usual, I was still awake doing the last few things that needed my attention before closing out my day.  The air conditioners hum in the bedroom was not drowning out the sounds of the fireworks still booming outside of my window and all I want is to rest my eyes and fall asleep.

While checking out the last few emails that needed attention I noticed an email alerting me to a new back link on my blog.  What a nice surprise to see that Woman's Day used my 2013 Minion Pumpkin Craft Project for their Painted Pumpkin Ideas for the Best- Ever Halloween Post this past June 23rd.

How Fun is that!

Click the links below to see all 34 Painted Pumpkin Projects. Mine is Number 5.

Woman's Day 34 Painted Pumpkin Ideas for the Best Ever Halloween Article

Woman's Day My Minion Painted Pumpkin Project

My Painted Minion Pumpkin Project Post