Friday, March 3, 2023

Hobby Lobby | Clearance Sale In Progress Now - Go Check It Out!

After my early morning care run, I decided to stop in Hobby Lobby to grab some much needed craft supplies -- namely little plastic floss/jewel cases for the clay gnomes.  Unbeknownst to me, Hobby Lobby is going through every aisle and clearing out bunches of things --- mostly 75% off and more.

I put most of my two big bags away before I thought to snap a photo but here are a few things I grabbed today.  With limited time, I didn't even check out the entire store just a few aisles...but they were aisles that I shop in the most -- Craft supplies.

These 12 packs of bags come in so many different sizes to choose from and with gift giving time ahead, and my sales, I limited myself to only grabbing three packs leaving behind a full wall.

The paint aisle was not ALL on sale, but a fair amount of name brand full size products made for stocking up on the colors they offered if you have a need for them.  I just grabbed the bigger Cotton Ball color for now.  People were grabbing all of the chalk paint in all colors.

The wood and metal aisle was all on sale...which got me to thinking -- why is the clearance so wide?

The back wall with doll house items was marked down and in looking down the last few aisles in this one area I was in --more tags.

Hubby was happy to see the deals I got on those things I need and mentioned we should check it out again in a few days. How much of the store is currently marked down?  I am not sure...I didn't have time to walk it all with him waiting in the car...but there were couples pushing carts full of red tagged merchandise at the register so I guess it's store wide.

If you love this store, you need to take the time and walk the aisles...and search for these values before they are gone!