Friday, October 6, 2023

Bath & Body Works | Holiday Preview 10/6 - Holidaytown - Trains, Candles, Socks, And Pocketbacs

On my return visit to Bath and Body Works to exchange the defective Mouse Pocketbac Holder,  I saw a few more things that came out...and there is still more to get photos of as it is still being set.  

Speaking of photos, what fun I had yesterday - while working out in the IPHONE overheated in my pocket...and it did an Erase - fresh restart as if it were a NEW PHONE. Which means - I lost everything on my phone.  Every APP, Detail, Account Info and more.  The hardest loss??....the +3,000 photos I had.  Photos that cannot be replaced that never....never backed up to the cloud because back in 2017 I shut the cloud off.   I take so many photos, it was a pain to keep deleting them when I was through with them.  For me, family photos are the hardest to lose, especially with those loved ones passed.

The past few months have been hard...and exhausting...with holding onto so much... I suppose  somewhere out in the cosmos it was thought I needed a restart myself.