Bath & Body Works | We Removed Your Content

Because it was mentioned on social media, I wanted to share a few thoughts regarding yesterdays photo removal.

If you follow my IG account, you would have found that after I made a blog posting about a new brand collaboration that was coming with Bath and Body Works, I shared an FB Marketplace photo showing the Queen Catherine's Tea Candle found. 

This candle photo was also found and shared excitedly on Reddit by someone else. 

My previous post shared the names of these candles and wallflowers that were coming, but I have no concrete date of this release to share, so that was not included.

With a name so unique as this candle is, and the others in the collection are, finding it on any sales site is...simple.  So simple, it ended up on Reddit too.

After it was posted on Reddit, it was all over all social sites and in groups, not only mine.

Yesterday, I noticed a notification mentioning that I had something removed...and when I clicked on it, I saw it was the candle photo.

Someone...anyone...everyone...whomever....saw fit to report a random candle photo to have it removed...and it was.  On my social site.  The Reddit photo is still up.

The person who was selling this candle (and a ton of the not yet released other spring tropical candles btw) posted the candles for sale in Ohio...and someone offered some to sell for $10??? ---and a candle in a car photo was shared.

Did someone higher up chose to have my photo taken down?  Was it the seller?  I have no idea.  I know the marketplace listing is gone.  I know that the Bath and Body Works Products Ingredients Page access is gone.  

When the Bridal Theme photos were leaked months ago, rumor had it that it was asked to be taken down from an IG page, and it was. There was no "removal" of it.  And if I was asked to remove something, a discussion could be had...and it could be done.  That option did not happen, and in all is no big deal. It was just noticeable...and I wanted to share what happened.

I had the same bridal photo, I didn't share it on IG...only the idea that we could see something that awesome coming in the spring.  To build excitement.

That is it.  We, those faithful to a brand of luxury items, are excited to find a name of something with a possibility of coming out.  We keep track of the new, the returning favorites, all while asking for the scents of the past to return...and airing our thoughts when they don't.

We spend our dollars on stocking our home with fragrance finds...and we share the joy of it, as well as the disappointment of it all...with like-minded friends.  

And occasionally, those friends end up working for you in the manufacturing places...that get to buy things (seconds?) early...or they tell their friends what they were working on...and the out there.

Like other brands who have collaborated with this brand, I am sure that when it does release, it will be met with the same enthusiasm and will sellout as quickly.  

Here's to seeing --and smelling it soon!