Bath & Body Works | For The Record ❥

Photo: "If you thought the first collab with Bridgerton was crazy, just wait until the next one! It'll turn your world upside down" 

So, today....the reason for this posting is this.....

It had been said --- that my post from days ago regarding a response I wrote for a Reddit conversation over what is coming or not collab wise after an employee shared photos, was cryptic.  While I saw the photo shared by a worker, it was not included in my blog post then.

I suppose I assume that people actually read my blog, when the posts are they would then know what was being talked about at that time...because the Reddit post had a large response to it -- more or less trying to figure out what was real. 

The post was not meant to be cryptic....and if you read it, and felt that way, you can always ask me...I will answer.  I will be sure to post my social sites where you can direct message me any questions. 

And I only mention all that above because some one shared this photo....and included me and what I shared. "Okay between Life Inside the Page's cryptic post about this and now this notification of a post that was deleted, what is going on?!" Sorry if this isn't allowed...

Which lead to more conversations, and one of the last comments on that, brings me here writing.

Someone wrote that as a reminder for all who read these, with all of the leaks, then seeing them scrubbed - to a certain, but unknown degree - the leaks are intentionally manipulated.  Workers get excited when they find out they share....and people comment, and the post gets removed because it violated something.  Then someone else takes that same photo, and shares it again....and again, it gets removed for violating something.

For the Record, I am not posting anything anywhere on my social sites to manipulate anyone into being excited for new, pushing them to buy anything, showing them things in the hope to drive excitement for anything to cause them to purchase.  While free speech may suffer some blows on social media, I think free will to like something is still intact. Yes?

I share to archive.  To have a place that holds some of the new, along with some of the old.  Granted, some things are exciting...for sure. I love to be able to plan what I want, as my budget allows. 

But no where am I with the intent to manipulate anyone into anything from the brand.  And with one person commenting in agreement to that statement that was made about intentional manipulating, it caused me to take a moment to share my thoughts on that....even if that manipulating comment did not specifically name me.  

I am just A nature-loving, blog writing DIY Girl with more ideas than time, and a Bath and Body Works Obsession to match!