Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Bath & Body Works | "Possible" New Bakery Fall Candle Collection Coming - Fresh Brewed Coffee

A photo was shared on social media of a Freshly Brewed Coffee Candle and I have been asked do I know anything about it...

We could see a "possible" candle collection coming with the BAKERY seal on it...I mentioned on one of the many Fall posts I have made listing some possible, fall favorites scent names we always see....Harvest Pomegranate, Pumpkin Clove, Blueberry Scone, and Caramel Pumpkin Swirl that would be great.  Fall lover here!

This photo was shared by @allioth_ and was shared on @_scentsgalore's IG page...then made its way everywhere.  The candle was listed for sale on a local site.  This could be part of Fall 2024.  As always, all items/scent names/collections are subject to change.

My thanks to Allioth for reaching out to me, and for sharing this great first look candle.