Monday, June 24, 2024

Bath & Body Works | Summer 3 & Fall Preview Floor Sets - Today Was The First Part

If you went to your store, (or checked online) today to see some of the New Fall Preview items and saw the Gingham Glow table, and The Gingham Collection table and wondered where is everything else?

Ya, me too.  If you saw the Fall Preview Candles online this morning, then disappear?

Yep, me too.

Then I remembered what I shared --- The first part of the floor set is done for release today, Monday, 6/24 and the next phase floor set will release Monday, 7/1.

I went to the mall yesterday and stopped in and grabbed a bunch of the new and came back today expecting to see everything...then I realized I knew it was split up.  My store does not yet have the Gourmand Scents Fall Preview out...which in a way is good.  To break things up.  I have already spent so much...still adding to it today...and when the hand soaps go on sale...and the pocketbacs.....

Then we will see the Gourmand Body Care....and Candles...and somewhere in there is Halloween releasing...and a few collabs...then more Fall.... I mean.....Then it will be Holiday....oh, geesh - in a few weeks my Hallmark order will come for Ornament Premier....

Yes, it's a good thing to spread out the spending.