Thursday, December 26, 2024

Bath & Body Works | Day One Semi-Annual Sale - Not Shopping

I don't know what the stores have been like for this Day 1 of the Semi-Annual Sale, but by reading the comments from many of you...I can see that you weren't very thrilled with the selections.  I get it.  Candle Day, Body Care Day, and now SAS. Bleh.

I am not planning on going to shop it at all.  As of right now.  There is nothing that I haven't bought myself at full price, with and without a coupon when it released over all of these months, that I want to seek out at a lower price.  

After being sick for a month, and struggling to get over the last little bits of coughing fits that come on, walking around crowds of people surrounding a duck bin is not appealing.  There is so much yet to come out that is new, my focus is on sharing all of that info...while checking out what everyone else has been finding.

Happy Shopping. T