Saturday, December 21, 2024

Bath & Body Works | Super Saturday 12/21/24 Store Visit Wallflowers Find!

Bath & Body Works | Super Saturday 12/21/24 Store Visit Wallflowers Find!

After our morning snow storm finally stopped dumping the white stuff for the day, I ran to Bath and Body Works to pick up my Sweetheart Cherry Single Wick Candles BOPIS order from yesterday when they surprisingly popped up on line briefly.  

Today is considered SUPER SATURDAY, known by that name for many retailers as the Saturday before Christmas when people head to the stores to spend more money!  My favorite Super Saturday Days at B&BW were those that offered the throws as well --- but they seem to have gotten away from those. 

The Champagne Toast and Eucalyptus Spearmint boxes were selling out at my a matter of fact, the Eucalyptus Spearmint was already gone by the time I got there and the customers shopping were grabbing up the other box...among other things.

While I waited to get my BOPIS, I found some new single wick candles out, and these Wallflower Units, new for Spring.

That Rainshower Duckie had my heart...and if the lines weren't so long...and I decided to start using these more...It would have come home with me.  I will add all of the pricing to the spring archive 25 posting along with bigger photos. Click photo below to enlarge.

photo: lifeinsidethepage