Sunday, December 15, 2024

Life Inside The Page - Social Media Pages

 Life Inside The Page - Social Media Pages


I have been asked numerous times where my INSTAGRAM page went, because when it is Googled, it is not being found.

Here's the thing.....  When I shared on STORIES on Life Inside The Page Daily Finds IG page the candle day photos...all 26 pages of them....they were removed - and I got a time out and could not use my IG page for days.

The powers that be also went into any other IG pages that I had referring to Bath and Body Works ---and deleted them.  Gone... Removed.

Everyone else can use that B&BW title as part of their pages on FB or IG....and it's no problem, and I didn't did use it on my LITPDF page.... but they removed them.

Fair enough.

So I changed my profile posting and changed that name of Life Inside The Page Daily Finds to



The IG messenger is open to answer questions. Any nastiness you can keep to yourself and if you don't I will publish it.

I share everything on my blog post it serves as an archive of everything I share.


Regarding my Facebook Page Life Inside The Page Daily Finds....the haters did all of that in....reporting info shared daily as spam and when I was hacked in September I lost everything...from my personal page of 17 years, to the Blog FB Page, and even our daughters page.

I am not sure I will start another FB group for the public to see.