Saturday, December 28, 2024

Bath & Body Works | A Tail of Two Legs - Spring '25 Dog Back Pack Dilemma - If You Can Believe It !

REPOSTING: 12/30/24 

edit: It is a dog backpack bag and it is being pulled from the sales floor because of the error on one of the paws. One paw underside reads: You are Kind.  The other paw underside reads: I Beleive in you.    The word beleived is, of course, miss-spelled.  Believed....  Not the first error of sorts to affect the sale of something this year.  But they are pulled as they are awaiting new stock. Some one got a spell checker for Christmas???  Frankly, I would cut the weird looking legs off and sell them.  There is nothing on the bag that needs to reflect any affirmations of sorts.  But that is just my opinion.


Backpack Bag.  Dog???  I think it’s suppose to be a bunny maybe.  Tan/cream checkerboard print bag, solid cream straps. East - west design.  Two dots for eyes -  Whiskers - line drawn down from nose to bottom. Ecru fabric for floppy ears and feet. Different. 


Crossbody Bag. Pink Color Butterfly shape, layered look for dimension. Embroidered flowers on layers. Purple body, gold antenna.

Gift Bags. Light pink with hearts layers and cherries.  

And Pink with darker pink bows.