Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bath & Body | Lilly and Me

May 12, 2015
More gorgeous days here with temperatures in the 90's leads me to believe that spring has gone lost her mind and summer is now trying to appear first.  I love some warm sunny days after winters wrath...don't get me wrong.  I have still more flowers to go into the ground (even though we are to get 30 degree night temps here tomorrow).  I just don't like melting while trying to do so.
My father moved from Pennsylvania to Florida forty years ago and I still do not know how he lives with those temps.
Today the day seems as if it
cannot make up its mind.  One minute it looks like it is going to storm and the next, the sun is out.  I decided that it was going to be clean out the attic closet day...and to that thought I have two words... Oh...Bouy.
Yesterday, I had an eye doctor appointment early afternoon to follow up on my steroid injection into the eye from six weeks ago.  I only make mention of it because it is frustrating to try to shop afterwards with deeply dilated eyes....and yesterday the launch of the new everything for Tahiti Island Dream was in Bath and Body Works and I wanted to go see and actually see.
I went to two stores. One prior to the doctor and the other after.  I noticed in both there were many things not in stock yet that I knew were coming. Sadly when this happens here, they don't always get it in as other stores do.  There are still things on my list from the Southern Sweet set that never came in anywhere here.
I find it odd, some stores are test stores and have items early and when the actual floor set is to be done for every store, the stores are missing a few things and the set isn't done to standards.  I guess more things I do not need.
What I did need and want is that seahorse soap dispenser.  My home is not set to a nautical theme but I do set my downstairs to a more summery feel and that ceramic piece will look great in my kitchen.  Only one store so far got three in and I grabbed one, and the sa's mentioned they will be getting the other two today. It wasn't something I could get early even though I shared a picture of it.
The manager in one store I visited mentioned she thought I was going to jump on the rope luminary....and I told her that I think it is lovely...but I found the rope design on it too heavy and the price way too much for what I wanted to spend. I am sure they wont be sitting there long.
I did notice the sparkly wallflower unit at the end of the table display and did grab it...even though I am not into buying them for me to use as I try to destash myself, it was pretty for a gift. I used my bounce back coupon and got hubby a free mens fragrance mist and myself a Tahiti Shower gel with the purchase of the Seahorse decanter.
We did get to see a sneak peek of the returning six retired fragrances yesterday compliments of First Look.  I laughed at myself trying to see the email to post the photos while dilated. The phone was in my face and I could barely see.
 And later got a better look at the bottle designs in the evening when my eyes came down some.  I am not sure how I feel about all of the designs yet.
I think we get so accustomed to seeing something for so long it is hard to imagine it looking new to match the rest of the Signature Fragrances.
What I am really thinking about is the prices we will be seeing at Semi Annual Sale.  I noticed last night that while the rest of the signature collection was b2/g1 b3/g2 the three scents that are returning are at 50% off...$5.50, $6.00 and $6.25.
So, will we be seeing $3.00 tables of returning favorites or are we going to be seeing what seems to becoming the new norm $7.00 items?  Not great pricing to grab me.

As far as returning candles, so far no one is spilling the beans.  It is unknown.  I know we will be seeing in the next few weeks the Seaside candles and the Destination candles that are currently out testing.  The stores got the info on those...
But as far as oldies...I would only guess Apple Crumble may be one...as it became available again a week or so online...
The stores around here also never got in the Hawaii Signature Perfumes when the line launched.  They were available online at a sale price of $15 but not in stores.  I gave up even looking for them.
Yesterday all of the stores here now have them.....priced at $19.50.
The bottles are pretty...I love the Waikiki...but this late in the game?  And no sale marketing?
Pass.  See you in SAS.
Oh and I got my Seahorse Lilly Pulitzer necklace yesterday from Ebay and it is so cute and summery.  I know there was a lot of unhappiness over the whole Target epic fail launch of this line.  People bought anything and everything to resell while others missed out.
Target did not seem to me, to be
 capable of handling the rush that happened online or in stores.
I get what I like usually from the online site...so I was not a part of the stampede but I did want the giraffe necklace and the seahorse.
I found a ebay seller who had it...for $40, with free shipping...and tadah it is here.
It retailed in the store for $24. plus tax....the seller then had seller fees of probably 4.00 and I saw my shipping label priority mail was almost $6.00. Paypal charges 30 cents plus 3% so that's another $1.50 so this seller went to Target...fought the crowds...and made...maybe $5 something?
Granted I would have loved to pay $24. but I was all cozy here out of the chaos and now own this.
I mention that mainly because there are those who are bashing the entire situation and calling for everyone to not buy anything Target for Lilly on Ebay or Instagram.

And sure, there are those who really add a huge markup.... pricing some things way out of reach. But there are those who do offer things a bit more reasonable and they are worth a look.  I got hair ties that were priced $5.00 in store, delivered for $14.99.  If you want it, and can afford it...enjoy it..
Okay, well that is my bit of stuff for now.  I am back to the closet to try on clothes that no longer fit me...while I wait for UPS and the foundation (revolution) of Cover FX custom color foundation drops. You add a few drops to your moisturizer, bb cream, oil,...anything moisturizer and it becomes...so they say...a foundation that you determine the coverage depth by the 1-4 drops used. We shall see....
Have a great Day!  Hugs Tessie