Friday, May 29, 2015

Bath & Body Works | Ramblings

May 29, 2015
Slowly the days until Semi Annual Sale are ticking off of the calendar ... as my list of "wants" grows.  The more I find out...oh boy....the more I get excited... not to buy everything....but to see it all.
If what I know comes to fruition, we should see something nice. First, I am loving the American Summer theme I would think will be for July.
 That theme just conjures up images for me of picnic tables covered in red gingham vinyl tablecloths, fireflies, mason jars filled with lemonade, ..while the air is filled with the scent of searing burgers and charcoals.  Some of my favorite memories are those of summertime.
And with all of the things we already see in store now...Think SAS time.
 Even though I live in the north and there are no beaches close by, I think its an awesome décor choice for summer...  you know star fishies....lanterns...anchors...shells..sand.
Last year I bought those glass lanterns from BBW, with the rope around the bottom and they looked so pretty on my dining table surrounded by the frosted glass of the candles with sea shells and star fish scattered about.  I would love something star fish candle related...wouldn't you?  ;) Someplace to put the tons of Yankee tealights I have. 
I am sure there will be  luminary for this theme too. Isn't there always?  Perhaps something ceramic....pierced like the times of Slatkin.....summer feeling...lantern like? Probably expensive...I see QVC offering those tall pierced ceramic luminaries all of the time.  They look great outdoors even with a battery candle in it.
It would exist if I were in charge.  ;)  I am going to set up my décor now for summer and  I think I am going to take one of my more everyday plain candle sleeves and dip it in glue to add some sand to the outside bottom....and glue on some seashells around the bottom.  I am hardly using so many sleeves I have so I may as well put them to some use.  Maybe BBW should have shell sleeves too.
I am not sure I will do it to a hand soap sleeve...but on second thought, it should work ok if I use a water proof glue.
To go along with this American Summer theme I think we will see a celebratory least I think so. 
Seeing a apple (pie) name, I am leaning on there being a special candle for flag day/fourth of July.  Why wouldn't there be really.  I mean, Yankee does candles with Red, white and blue sticker labels all of the time.  This is a prime market...we see candles for Mother's Day and other holidays...let's get back to hand soaps/ pocketbacs/ and candles for summer time Forth of July Americana. I still have a few of the Apple scent hand soaps with the red white and blue labels.
I would love to see a flag and/or fireworks label with white lettering and it be dated.  Toss in a flag embossed lid and I am there.  And no, I have not seen any pics of anything yet...that is mere speculation on my knowing there could be a apple something scent coming candle wise....and a new shower gel with the same name. What is more American than Mom's Apple Pie.
I saw an ad for a carnival that will be in our area this August and it reminded me of summer as a kid.  Mostly the food I remember the most... haha... sweet and more sweet....  I did love those few carnival pocketbacs BBW did...and I think along with a few pocketbacs they need some candles and hand soaps to match.  I wouldn't complain. 
How about S'mores, Root Beer Float, Cotton Candy, Orangeade, Blue Raspberry Snowcone..PINK BUBBLEGUM....Pink Lemonade, Lemonade, Bonfire, American Boardwalk, Kettle Corn, Salt Water get the idea....
All this talk about candles....I am thinking about the Fall scents already.  Silly, I know.  We get so accustomed to SAS, and a few other new things then the Fall Test Candle launch.  I can't wait...
How that will work this year is going to be interesting.  It may be business as usual or if the rumors of the test stores true after SAS...we may just see White Barn stores doing all of the new releasing pre- nationwide launching.  Which makes a lot of sense to me since they are opening up stores all over now.  Here would be nice...hint hint :)
It would be great if some of the previously tested scents that went over well and never released nation wide would show up.  Even now....I would love to try a Bacon Cupcake...and if its not too much trouble how about a BREAD candle scent again...I mean people are clamoring to get French Baguette ... We can make these scents work any time of year.  Do a survey as to what people want home fragrance all stores... or online.  give us five choices...I bet those two I mentioned will be on it.
And a true Marshmallow wont hurt too.  Let' see..what else...
Later on when the smaller version of the FFM come out, we may see the travel sized mists we currently have go...I really liked the smaller versions of the FFM but I do also like the mists as they know what I can open the bottle...and its a lighter version I think than the FFM.  Change....what can you do.
With CO Bigelow  now going to be the only lippie product in the store I wonder if for holiday we will no longer see those matching lip products to the signatures.  They looked great in gift sets so I will miss them if they are also never returning.....and I still have a few of the round boxed sets that were 19.50 for three...I loved that chocolate flavored lippie.  I kept it!
The new Boardwalk hand soap literally smells like Marshmallows. I hope they made enough...And weren't those labels all so cute?
With Pocketbacs to match. 
Well, that is my ramblings for now. Hopefully over the next few days we will see and hear more of what is coming and decide what we will be filling up our yellow duckie bags with....
ten days from now....