Saturday, December 5, 2015

Bath & Body Works | Candle Sale Day Haul

December 5, 2015

I really wasn't planning on heading to the store today to get any candles at the $8.50 price.  I knew that this sale is usually in store only and from my visit to some stores yesterday I didn't see anything stocked that was jumping out at me that would make me want to go.  But since I was planning on going to sit on Santa's lap and visit with a live Reindeer... I did end up at the store a bit before 10 am today expecting to see the typical long lines waiting for the gates to go up and the flush of people through the doorway.

What I found were a few shoppers already inside which surprised me.  I heard the store associate mention that she decided to open the store at 9am today even though it should have been open at 10....and it wasn't until 9:30 or so that people started coming in.

For me, this years sale was much different than last years here in many ways and that determined how much I would be spending. 

Last year, there was a crowd of people for the $8.00 candles and you were being pushed and pulled as you tried to navigate each of the stocked tables.  I had a woman take a candle right out of my hands and put into her bag and get into line... and yes if I wasn't so shocked I may have said something but I could only laugh.

Last year there was PLENTY of candles to choose from and because it ended up being two days here instead of the one....(the sale got leaked...the company changed the day....but because the customers here got the emails that it was starting on the original day we were able to shop that day and the next day when it happened everywhere.) They had to bring out the Glittered Lids Collection to have enough and people were stealing the lids from those and putting them on the jars they picked that had only dust covers...  It was chaos.

Last year the tables were filled with the current candles for holiday and they brought out the rest of the candles from all year and others earmarked for SAS so you could really stock up if you wanted.

This year....hardly any people were in the store when I was there, and they were picking out a few here and there. No big hauls.

The tables and walls had the same old ( I am so tired of seeing) candles from what...September?  October? 

Nothing was new....the stores never got the Merry Candle to put out (so they said) Nor did the Red Velvet Cheer candle appear....and they would not put out the Ribbed Glass Candles or the Destinations Joy to the World Collection.  {Last year in order to have enough the store brought everything from the back}.

I do think with a floor set planned for tomorrow night, those candles will suddenly appear and be on the floor after this sale is over.  And yes, yes I know that sounds negative...and I do understand that if they are not CALLED for yet because of another...probably the last floor set before Christmas,  they won't be out.... but the same "oh no we don't have those" comments gets tired when I know they do....  ha ha... for some time now.   I love when your asked what your looking for...and you answer you get a ....hmmm....and they walk away.  My new answer is No Worries, its online.

I am really happy with online customer service and shopping there to get what I want.

I just was told we will see the Joy to the World Destinations candles, hand soaps and hand sanitizers...Ribbed Glass Candles, and Red Velvet Cheer Collection including the candle added to the store Sunday night for release Monday.

As I was picking out my three NOEL candles {love that scent-even if its so strong it tries to give me a migraine} and my two The Original candles {oh my gosh old friend where have you been}...a woman who was smelling the jingle all the way hand soap asked the manager if it came in a candle.  I was standing right next to her as the table is by that candle wall and the manager told her "no, only body care."  I told the woman yes it is in a candle and pointed at the table it was on.  The manager walked over and said, "yes I guess it is in a candle too"....and brought her one....and my husband was smirking.  He said I saw it in "your" collection at home so if you didn't tell her, I would have.

My candle hubby carried my bag of five wax babies around as I checked out everything, everywhere and asked me what I was looking for and when I mentioned the destination candles to match the soaps, he pointed to the glass stand in front of the cash wrap.  I scooted past the Be Joyful table anxious to see the new....only to find the old...(never like those labels) destinations and some old spring scents.  BOO.

Beneath the wallflowers wall were egg crates filled with fall candles with names scribbled on them in black marker of the candles that they held and I thought how odd to present them in that manner. 

You couldn't see the labels, just a few lids at the top of the stack....and I am a total marketing me a autumn tree in all of its glory label stacked nicely on a table and I am a sucker for the pretty.  Show me a crate on a floor under a shelf { where undoubtedly I will bump my big head} and I walk past shaking my head.

Speaking of the floor, I wouldn't have expected to see the VIP totes stacked in a pile on the counter and tossed to the side on the floor at the cash wrap but there they were.  I did order mine online rather than getting them in the store on Black Friday...and even though the Be Joyful scent is pretty...I think they may have easily sold out if they included the Red Velvet Cheer scent complete with the candle instead. 

We didn't have a pedestal and specifically dated 2015 holiday candle set this year and that RVC would have been perfect.

The year of scents seems to have passed so quickly and this Holiday shopping is also winding down.  I feel a bit deflated on what I had expected to see and what I actually saw and purchased. Don't get me wrong, the floor sets were beautiful....I guess I just miss Gingerbread things being part of my holiday experience always.

Remember, We are seeing three Signature scents leaving; Wild Madagascar Vanilla, Cashmere Glow and Velvet Sugar soon for Semi Annual Sale so if that's your attention and grab some deals.

And before you know it SAS will be over and........all things tropical will entrance us once more. not ready for didn't even snow here yet.  ;)