Saturday, December 26, 2015

Bath & Body Works | Semi Annual Sale or Fail - Day One

December 26, 2015

I wouldn't have gone into the madness of mall shopping today because there really wasn't anything I needed to do but my curiosity of the Bath and Body Works Semi Annual Sale got the better of me so off I went.

I have been to many a sale and my first thoughts as I passed through the door were this:  Boring.

Having known pretty much what was coming back for sometime it wasn't so much of a surprise to actually see the red bins filled with this stuff.  But after the holiday shopping warfare that took place here these last few days,  I sort of hoped that those boxes of  "box up" and the new boxes of merchandise coming in would reveal something....anything new and different. Sure, sure on the 90% empty candle wall there were the new for January Fiesta candles...but the presentation of them was lacking.  I mean really....lacking. A few here and there, not even the complete collection as I have seen some others stores had.

And this store I visited was Jammed!!!   People searching the bins recklessly as if there was a diamond ring in the bottom of one and they were quite determined to find it. 
My aunt always tells me she wants nothing to do with this kind of sale.  Not me.... I am there to observe and perhaps find....and then complain about it later.  ;)

I have never done a floor set, so I won't claim to be a perfectionist when it comes to doing one.  Granted I do know all of the ins and outs of one...and I do know the HARD work and hours needed to complete it...  what I would think is after it is done, someone would step back and give it a once over from a distance.  Maybe they do...and maybe they are too tired to care.  But from my perspective in this one did.  There was no flow nor organization.  The return of AT scents were on a tower shelf facing the back where no one could see them from the store and I had to go looking for them only because I knew they should be there.

Sale boxes should be able...I think, to accommodate the items well without damage being done.  Right?  Add in another table or utilize the empty tables you have on the floor already to make shopping easier. 

The candle wall was disorganized and quite empty....yet the rounder that held a few things was also as empty with wallflower bulbs on one level and a few more candles here and there.   The candle wall had the wallflowers clearance in bins scattered here and there and at first I thought the 4 ounce jar candles were also clearance...then I saw they were intended to be the testers.  It would have been better if they were close to the scents they were meant to represent. And yes, customers move things....I know.

Cosmetic bags were in the candle wall too.  Making the area where cosmetic bags usually are found prominently barren.

The holiday body care clearance was up front and center and was being raided by all who entered.  Except me and hubby.  The tables to the right of the entrance had the 75% off items and an older couple who was shopping them were picking and choosing based on what they could afford without coupons.  I overheard her and offered her one of my last two $20 off of $50's.  She was thrilled and sent hubby to retrieve a blue bag.  They were much entertainment for me as they shopped...she would ask him to find the matching FFM to a lotion she found and he would keep coming back with Apple and Pumpkin....and you could hear her tell him, "I don't want to smell like and apple....and then...."a pumpkin."   Through all of this madness...she made my day. 

The bins with the comfort, warmth and other fall scents had a few major leakers and I found out the fun pulling out a soapy hand. Twice.

The box was overloaded and everything in it was now wet.  I asked one of the five new floor girls to take a look....maybe clear it out and get a fresh box or something and she came back with one paper towel and didn't know what to do with it.

There were a lot of new faces today...five on the floor and four on the registers and I wondered to myself who will remain when the red boxes disappear.  My guess....None.

The boxes on the left side as you enter had the "there are no such thing as destinations body care" bottles in them finally here in store at 50% off.  I still think they should have come out with the candles, hand soaps and hand sanitizers.  I passed on those having one of each item already and getting them delivered to me cheaper than half off...

On the other side of this table were the wallflowers and some sleeves...crunched into a box.  I looked on in disbelief as customers were scavenging flipping the contents over  breaking off the delicate pieces of the ships sail.

The pocketbac hand sanitizer table was a hot mess.  Very few left on it to draw you over there, but when you did look, nothing worth checking out.  The one thing they did was add a few jars of PB at the cash wrap to make sure everyone coming close to their coupon totals would have to grab those to qualify.  Leftover Holiday PB's  and watermelon lemonade hand soaps were being pushed on everyone....including me.  I grabbed one of the new duckie pb holders {$7.50} and some of the new #squad refills to get to my $50.00.
The coupons that were being handed out were the online 20% off coupons and I remembered what the manager told me before Christmas that the new Bounce Back was to come out I asked my cashier if she had it.  I was told she only had what was there so I asked her to ask the girl in charge I saw and after she was done ringing someone....she came and asked me, "what do I want." 

I, could have told her....but I left it at the coupon only....and she emerged from the back with what was suppose to be also handed out.  I only knew because I was told so....{plus I knew it was coming for some time}.    And with this being SAS time....every coupon is worth asking for.

I left with my little yellow duckie bag in tow, 17 items in it for $31 and change.  Total saved $112 plus.

There are a few more malls I will be visiting in the next few days to see how they present the leftovers of 2015.  Hopefully there will be a few A+ visits... in the bunch. 

So, how did you make out Day One of the sale? Stop by and share....