January 21, 2016
For me, it seemed like this past semi annual sale at Bath and Body Works was the sale that would not end. After the first few visits to the stores checking out what was actually in those red bins, I was done. Nothing I had expected was there and what was available seemed off to me....like it had no place to be in this sale. Many other stores offered 75% off candles and mine never did. They kept them at 50% the entire time. Even still, they are in a cabinet in the wall at 50%.
Wouldn't it have made more sense to have the holiday items 75% off more quickly than they did and then there should have been filler scents added. But instead, the stores were doused with summer and fall scents all at once on top of the remainder of Holiday, and everything got more jumbled in the boxes and not worth the "dig". I saw in a store yesterday a Winter Candy Apple gift set on the shelf with the new spring sets still regularly priced. When I looked at the manager with a puzzled look, she told me she called to find out about the SKU and it was to ring at full price.
I skipped the last few days of the sale. The store had a look to it that was more annoying than inviting...as if a hurricane
and a tornado blew through. And with little to no customers, it only made it more sad.
Tuesday I wasn't sure what I was going to see. Granted I knew of the products coming as I have seen those weeks in advance. I just knew it was going to be a big floor set with packing up the remainder of the Sale, while putting out the Mexico Fiesta themed displays.
I was pleasantly shocked to see the walls had flipped their positions. Now the signatures are where they were suppose to be; facing the oncoming traffic in the mall. Apparently some stores still had not fixed that and it needed to be addressed and it was in the few stores I visited.
Having everything in a new position made this first day of the Fiesta Collection that much more fun.
The store actually looked beautiful and I made sure I told the sales staff and managers working so. The walls were filled with products and it was bright and colorful and I found myself checking out everything rather than going to only those things I wanted. Shopping was actually a pleasure.
Planning on visiting many stores, I limited what I would be purchasing in the first store...even thought I wanted everything.
The buy three get three free sale had ended the night before so I knew I would be waiting to get the Limoncello Signature items I wanted. But of course had to go and try them...Delish.
The candles launched on sale priced now at $12.50 and while there were many collections to chose from, I limited my purchases on those as well. I grabbed Moonlight path only because it reminds me of a shampoo scent...and it' a pretty lavender color. I wanted the Paris for my diva den...and hubby liked the Amsterdam {spring}fragrance. I was speaking with the manager about the candle we are currently burning and she told me she had one left minus the lid. She said holiday time was rough lid wise as customers were trying to switch out lids on all of the candles and some that offered no lids ended up being sold with lids from others. Lidless candles are the least of my worries. :)
There was a sign on the pocketbacs offering them at 5/$6. - 10/$10 - and 15/$12 so I did stock up on a few of those. Where once I would buy at least one of each I am now limiting this rather expensive luxury. And that also applies to the holders. The few battery operated holders purchased at holiday time have stopped lighting up with no use. I never even got the tag off of them. Priced at $7.50 now, I am being very selective on what I want holder wise. The other day I grabbed two solid colored holders and was surprised that they rang at $1.00 each now rather than the prior 50 cents pricing. It turned out at the registers the sanitizers were not ringing for all of the sales and it was because the incorrect marketing was used. I was permitted the sale. The blushing Tulips and Peonies sanitizer and hand soap were so pretty and spring- like I did kind of stock up on those. And I grabbed the rubber ring with the starfish holder for $3.50.

Not all stores had everything for the set so I grabbed the wallflower mosaic bird at the only store that had it in stock and I ended up needing to add a clearance wallflower to bring my purchase up to the $31.80 {I was at $31.54} to use a survey coupon.
I am planning on placing an order online for the Limoncello now that it is $7.00 today. I know I haven't been getting the morning emails posted on my Facebook as I should. These past few days have been a bit chaotic in trying to get things changed up in house....and trying to keep up with the blog sale. I plan on adding more tomorrow and getting into Stamps dot com so that I can still ship inexpensively for my buyers. The post office changes that were implemented this Sunday really messed things up with not only rate increases but the deletion of regional information online. I really appreciate the patience of my dedicated shoppers while I get things in order.
This week I have been adding more new items from February's Ciao Italy Collection coming next month. I will keep adding the new products to the scrolling post that is on my blogs home page. I added a few photos last night on IG, Twitter and FB so you can see the bubble newness as I find it out.
Saturday, we are in for the blizzard every news station has been talking about since Monday. Our weatherman actually stated that it could go one of two ways. And he predicted for my area 1" - 17". That is a big difference. I get it...it is winter time and snow, will fall. A lot or a little it is all a pain if you must travel in it. I am hoping that this first storm of our season misses us and I can focus more on getting the house ready for spring and getting down all of the Holly Jolly....while keeping up with the blog sales and new information.
So that has been my week so far and the new Fiesta Collection purchases. What did you love or not love now that SAS is over? Share your finds with