Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Bath & Body Works | Daily Purchase and Other New Items | August 29, 2016

I stopped in a few Bath and Body Works stores yesterday to see if there was any movement on the new Pumpkin Festival being set and found nothing new out.  Tonight and Wednesday night begins the process of turning the store into a pumpkin patch, so to speak and we should see the display for the Instagram contest show up then.
I shared a post this morning of all of the new items I had found that showed up online this morning for Septembers new Pumpkin themed floor set so be sure to check it out if you haven't read that yet or visited B&BW online today.
Yesterdays purchases in store were only the few (7) Halloween hand soaps that weren't available when I placed my order last Tuesday. And five of the new pocketbacs to round it out to a $30 coupon worthy purchase.
I remarked earlier how one store I visited had the Halloween table as a small, crowded presentation but in my travels I did find other stores had a much larger presentation with the metal haunted house included as well.  Different shopping demographics.
And on the larger display, the ceramic house was sold.
The cute characters did grow on me a bit...not to the tune of $80+ dollars for this house.
The pocketbac family pack $19.50
A three wick luminary glass pumpkin










Random Share-
A local department store had these cute Halloween pillows out and if I had a place for them I would have grabbed them all.  There was also a mummy pillow....