Monday, April 24, 2017

Bath & Body Works | New Quotables Candle Collection | May 1st, 2017

When I first heard that there was going to be a new "Quotables"  Themed Label Candle Collection coming from Bath and Body Works and I saw the Plain Jane label, my first reaction was I was a bit disappointed.  

When I got to see and smell them in person, my mind thought has changed some. I guess I am so accustomed to seeing "theme" labels on the candles that I hope the next set of new we see will be better in some way.  Better graphics, better know what I mean.
Sometimes I do forget that Simple is sometimes better.

Granted, we know not to hope to see/smell NEW fragrances in these...because we won't...but, the concept of a special sort of candle is growing on me. Matching Gift Bags for them would be a huge plus!

And I hope they continue to have these as a wall staple and they expand the what seems to be to me a Thoughts of Inspirations Collection they are trying to convey. How about:

It's a Boy
It's a Girl
Mr. & Mrs.
I (heart) Dad
Home is where the (heart) Is (for a new Home) 
Best Friend

So far, here is what we are seeing:
Happily Ever After - watery white petals, refreshing bergamot, cedarwood.
 Hello Sunshine -  sorrento lemons, cane sugar, lemon zest
Thank You - coastal breezes, citrus sea spray, island flowers, sundrenched wood.

XOXO - fresh mandarin, cool waters, lavender woods.

Dream Big - vanilla musk, orchids, toasted coconut.

Congrats! - succulent white peach, sparkling prosecco, sweet orange.

I (heart) Mom - Happy Mother's Day - southern pecans, sparkling cinnamon sugar, warm caramel.

Red Label - I (heart) Mom -

Priced at $24.50, I was told some stores are setting these now among the two side tables of candles currently out...(where they belong) and other stores are waiting until the called for set date of May 1st.

Check with your stores to see if they are out currently and take a look for yourself.  Sometimes photos do not do the candles justice.  Let me know what you think!

Ps. The next floorset is on May 14th...Mother's Day.