Sunday, April 30, 2017

Bath & Body Works | Men's Fragrance Release Coming Soon | Suede, Bourbon, Teakwood, Noir and Ocean

After hearing there would be a "test" of new Men's Signature Body Care Fragrances soon I have been keeping an eye out ( and an ear ) for a hint of what the possible names could be for this new collection.

When I saw the new pocketbac SUEDE arrive, I knew it had to be one of the new names.  And today I found out the rest that we will see.

Coming Out  May 5th, 2017...
Men's Signature Fragrance Collection

The Ocean and Noir are up for a redo I guess so they are included in the list of new.

Product Forms:
Ultra Shea Body Cream
Shower Gel
Deodorizing Body Spray

As soon as I get photos I will update this posting...and if the new Men's Fragrances go wide instead of testing I will post it on my Facebook Page.

Ocean Pix Credit: @scaturbrain