Friday, April 7, 2017

Bath & Body Works | New Mother's Day Tote | May 12, 2017

After seeing the new zippered mini bags pocketbac holders at Bath and Body Works I knew those had to match the upcoming Mother's Day Tote we see annually. I was correct. Here is your First Look at what is coming soon:

Closeup of the texture
 Here are the totes:
Bath and Body Works Mother's Day Tote 2017
Colors are: Pink or grey with either a Shine On or a Hello zippered case hanging on the bag
Bath Bomb in Warm Vanilla Sugar ( I think, hard to see)
 Heart of Gold Hand Cream and Pocketbac with a holder
At the Beach Body Cream
Vanilla Flower olive oil Hand Soap
Blushing Pink Rose Petal candle
I don't yet have what the current Purchase with Purchase will end up costing but as soon as it is released, I will update this posting as well as my social media sites.