Friday, May 12, 2017

Rae Dunn | Daily Find - Pet Bowl Collection and my first Rae Dunn Find

When I first started following a few Rae Dunn Instagramers early this year, I wondered if I would ever find a Rae Dunn item myself.  We don't have a Home Goods store locally so the only place I would ever see them may be TJ Maxx or Marshall's Stores. Week after week I would shop Marshall's for all of my other home items and then one day Ta Dah!  

I saw the Rae Dunn Mister and Misses Mugs in a boxed set on a Wedding display on the bottom shelf.  A set of two mugs was $9.99.

And in the Pet Section the table was scattered with these adorable pet bowls. The pet bowls were priced $5.99 each.