Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Bath & Body Works | Semi-Annual Sale | #WeLoveSale Purchases to Date

With my most recent Bath and Body Works online order arriving today, I made a collage of all of my Bath and Body Works Semi-Annual Sale #WeLoveSale Purchases.  

Here are the items I have purchased both online and in-store as of today:

During this Semi-Annual Sale, I grabbed a few of the Rose Water and Ivy candles and the two Unicorn Sprinkles candles when the pricing on SAS went lower than 50% off. 

These Unicorn Sprinkles happened to be returned right before I came in. The store didn't have too many other candles I was interested in and my stores never got in any 75% off candles as we have been seeing on social media at other stores so this was the extent of my candle purchases.

I have been trying to add any fall and holiday fragrances I did not buy all season long to my collection as they went 75% off, and the Chocolate Cocoa and Mint had to be ordered online as my stores sold out of them early in the morning on $4.95 body care day.  

When they appeared briefly on day one of sale, I missed them, as did most people because it is a fun scent and sells out fast...but not so long ago they popped back up online so I grabbed them hoping my order would not get canceled. And it didn't.

The new wallflowers and pocketbac holders and refills were all at regular pricing as they are new for the spring but added as fill-ins for the sale. 

And yesterday and today my stores finally got a few more things to fill in the empty...I mean really empty boxes and the prior "tested" colorful signature collection body care items were added and I had to have those too!

Today, the Pretty Petals and Coming Up Roses Body Care collections went on sale for $3.95 and I grabbed a few of those.

I will be checking the boxes out of the next few days to see if any other COLORFUL bottles come in...and that should be it for the sale shopping.  Maybe.  If I can find extras of those I will be listing them on my Mercai or Depop App for sale. 

I was told that this Sunday, January 12th, the store's walls will be done to include the new spring items...for those stores who still haven't added these items already to fill in.  And if the schedule stays true to what was supposed to be, then we will see the store in full-on spring mode for January 20th.