Bath & Body Works | My Rewards App Discounts vs. Mailer Coupons Discounts Being Connected

Bath and Body Works August Mailer Coupons.  Now, let's talk about these coupons and the My Rewards App Coupons.

I checked, and yes, these coupons numbers to beep for in-store purchases are the same numbers for those discounted items in the App on my phone.  They are connected.  I am told, if you use the app for the discounts, it will disappear from the phone and should you try to use the paper coupon, the register will give the note that the discount was used.

There is one mailer that comes for me, and hubby gets one from his shopping times at holiday.  He has no email address to give in store, but we both use the same house address, and same phone number.  

I am unsure how the online number for the coupons will be affected...I can test it I suppose to see what the result is...but for now, I am happy to know that my APP will carry all of the discounts the company wants me to have.