As shared in a previous communication, there will be several core fragrance exiting during the June Sale!
Some will return to stores in the future, some will become online exclusives, and some are fully retiring. During Sale, create urgency to stock-up on fragrances and forms especially since some of our customers favorites will no longer be available in stores. Here is a list of fragrances that will be exiting during June Sale.
Online Exclusives, No Longer In Stores
Moonlight Path
Aroma Orange Ginger
Exits in stores and online, returning in New Look at a later date.
You're The One
Pure Wonder
Hello Beautiful
Exits in stores and online, returning in seasonal rotation at a later date.
Men's Whiskey Reserve
Fully Retiring
Gingham Love
Gingham Vibrant
Men's Clean Slate
Aromatherapy Orange Ginger
Aromatherapy Eucalyptus Tea