Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bath & Body Works | My cure for the common flu...

January 18, 2015
It's been one heck of a week so far...
I know the flu has been running rampant throughout the country. I read about it in the daily news and hear it on the world news... I just never expected it to get me or my husband like it did.  I guess we all say that after we pass on getting poked yearly with the flu Vaccine.  Turned out this years flu strain did a bit of a magic trick and morphed into something people weren't treated for.
Ha, ha, the joke's on all of us.
The factory that hubby works in is usually infected with something always...and people there do what they do.  Work until they can't work regardless of how sick they feel....and refuse to wash their damn hands.  Um, sick days are for when your sick....go home.
We are not those people.  I will anti-bac anyone who stands still long enough but when it is airborne you are pretty much up the creek. My sister even said to me when she heard we were did you get sick? Your always cleaning your hands.
  But even when he said everyone at work is sick, I still didn't think I would get it.  I had enough going on over the last two months thank you very much...topping off the end of the new year with a broken toe (which I still swollen and painful).  Sick and snotty was not on my short list for the new year.
Last Saturday when we got home from a nice day out hubby said he had the chills and felt like he was getting sick. 
I braced for the worse.  His fever overnight went to 104 degrees and stayed there for days and I pushed myself Sunday to get all I needed to get done, done because I thought I was going to be a nursemaid...not a patient too.
Monday came and I called the doctor because that fever is nothing to mess with.  I woke and felt it coming on myself but with not driving, and an ice storm...hitting the doctors office was a big,
no can do.
Thankfully, the doctor said he would order the antibiotic Tamiflu for us both and the drugstore that still had some in stock delivered.  They didn't carry Gatorade...and we never got the chance to get a grocery order...and hubby needed some...they sent their delivery man to the mini market for a bottle prior to coming here.  How awesome.  Now that is service I won't forget.
And just as the ice storm hit, suddenly and unexpectedly, this flu knocked us down off of our pins.
Here we are a week later, still much for magic Tamiflu....and still weak. Thank goodness the fevers broke.
 And that medicine is not cheap.  Even with our prescription plan it is very expensive.  $167.69 each.
I have taken antibiotics and you know when you take them, after a day or two you feel better...somewhat.  Not with that.  I don't know what is in it...but maybe it helped in some way...I am just waiting for someone to tell me how it did because for that amount of money, even though I never drink,  I could have bought
 ALOT OF ALCOHOL and felt KNUMB for a week, not sick. 
Yesterday, my brother and his girl dropped off two burgers and fries from McDonalds, our first solid food in a week...on the front porch.  (cue the creepy silence of the lambs music..."put the burgers in the basket"). ha ha.
We are not infecting anyone or going anywhere...even when running out of things. Thankfully, even though we feel we are alone...our family has been there offering assistance.  Even my friends at the store asked if we needed something they would drop it off when they were done.
And yes, amid fevers and hot flashes, snots and weakness, I do miss my favorite store. I had been checking things out online on my phone as I felt able to and in seeing so much new I liked I just made note of what I plan to check out when we are better.  We don't want to make anyone sick or have a relapse.
And today, when she was done with her things in town, my aunt went to B&BW for me and picked up my phone order.  Hey, a girl needs some bubbles and wax to feel better.
So I got 24 new pocketbacs, 3 new holders, 4 wallflowers from the White Barn market line, the vanilla bean marshmallow candle...and when I can smell again I will see what that smells like...and a few new wallflower units...Rose and Pineapple...
That Pineapple is adorable all lit up.

Look at that cute face...  the monkey...not me. 

 My aunt told me she removes the back label from the PB refill for a clean look through the little hearts.  Love that idea.